The Biome-BGC Projects 3.0 - CLOSED SERVICE

The main aim of Biome-BGCMuSo Projects Database & Management System 3 homepage was to support users to share and manage various online Biome-BGCMuSo ecosystem modelling investigations, however we finished and closed this service due to the obsolescens of our system.

But let us draw your attention to our other product, which is an R package that supports the application of the latest model. For educational purposes this is a great tool that is still under development. We call it RBBGCMuSo, and it has a lot of features that are quite attractive including visualization, parameter adjustment, sensitivity analysis and Monte-Carlo based model optimization:

Also note that Biome-BGCMuSo is also under development, and we are close to release v7.0 alpha that has new features. At the official website of the model v6.2 is available but not the very new version.

Ferenc Horváth, Zoltán Barcza, Dóra Ittzés

The Biome-BGC Projects Database & Management System (BBGCDB) was constructed within the frame of the BioVeL project (Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory Project, FP7-Infrastructures-2011-2, project number 283359). Model developments were supported by BioVeL also, by GHGEurope (Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems, FP7-ENVIRONMENT, EU contract number 244122), by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA K104816), and by the CarpathCC project (ENV.D.1/FRA/2011/0006). The earlier Biome-BGC version 4.1.1 was provided by the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) at the University of Montana. NTSG assumes no responsibility for the proper use of Biome-BGC by others. Biome-BGC v4.1.1 MPI version was kindly provided by Galina Churkina (the MPI version contains model code modifications documented in Trusilova et al. 2009 MPI-BGC Technical Report 16).

Testing of different versions of the model was performed in the desktop grid test environment of the SZTAKI PERL within a partnership agreement. EDGeS@home desktop grid volunteer computing services was provided between 2011-2015 by the IDGF.

The research was funded by the Széchenyi 2020 programme, the European Regional Development Fund and the Hungarian Government (GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00028).